In a bright monokini, Vaani posed like a diva and made her fans drool. Mini Mathur commented, “Hot Dawwwwg.”
Vaani Kapoor is an absolute fashionista. The actor keeps slaying fashion goals like a pro with snippets from her fashion diaries on her Instagram profile on a regular basis. From acing casual fashion goals to showing us how to deck up in formal attires in power suits, to looking ethereal in ethnic ensemble and acing the look to perfection, Vaani can do it all. The actor often keeps showing us how to deck up for the summer vacation in bikini and monokini. The actor’s swimsuit diaries are our favourite and for all the right reasons. Vaani’s fashion mantra is simple, short and effective. The actor believes in keeping it chic and stylish, all the while ensuring that the ensemble is comfortable. With every ensemble, Vaani ensures to make fashion lovers scurry to take notes on how to ace the look.
Vaani, a day back, looked stunning as ever as she shared a picture of herself posing in a colourful monokini. Vaani showed off her toned shape as she posed like a diva in an orange and blue monokini. The ensemble featured a sleeveless orange top and a bright sky-blue bottom secured with a ring at the waist. The ensemble hugged her shape and showed off her curves perfectly. The attire featured a square neckline and bodycon details. The actor captioned her picture with a cake emoticon. Take a look at her picture here.
In no time, Vaani’s picture was flooded with likes and comments from her Instagram family. Reacting to her pictures. Vaani’s friend and colleague from the film industry Mini Mathur commented, “Hot Dawwwwg.” Against a white backdrop, Vaani posed for the picture. The actor, styled by fashion stylist Chandini Whabi, wore her tresses open in a wet dewy look. Assisted by makeup artist Meher Akolah, Vaani decked up in minimal makeup as she let her ensemble do all the talking.