Shraddha Kapoor hasn’t been seen on the big screen in a while, but that will change with Luv Ranjan’s next movie Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar. With Ranbir Kapoor, the actor will appear in a new on-screen pairing. Fans of Shraddha Kapoor have had a protracted wait, which will finally end in March 2023. Shraddha Kapoor is keeping us occupied with her beauty as she is promoting the movie while we wait for its release. Shraddha Kapoor consistently makes jaw-dropping ethnic fashion statements. Whether the occasion—a festival, a wedding, or simply a picture shoot—Shraddha always looks stunning in ethnic clothing. Shraddha has once again slayed ethnic fashion with her most recent appearance.
Everyone adores Shraddha Kapoor’s fashion journals. And the actress chose to leave us swooning this time with a great classic look. She has uploaded images on Instagram that show us her choice in ethnic. Shraddha Kapoor may choose impactful dresses and lehengas, but she can’t resist the appeal of lavish sarees. Shraddha’s closet is filled with a variety of stunning festive saree. She chose a turquoise saree once more, making us marvel over her. She chose a saree made of satin silk. The saree’s flowing drape’s silky appearance gave it a polished finish and a graceful aspect. The actress paired the drape with a deep square-necked, strappy turquoise blouse. Shraddha kept her jewellery simple, opting for a diamond necklace and dainty bangles. She had luminous eyelashes, accentuated cheekbones, glossy lip tint, and subtly kohled eyes.