A bench of chief justice Satish Chandra Sharma and justice Subramonium Prasad dismissed pleas seeking resumption and enrolment under the previous recruitment scheme.
The Delhi High Court on Monday upheld the validity of the Agnipath short-term military recruitment scheme, saying it was formulated in the national interest and to ensure that armed forces are better equipped. It dismissed pleas challenging the scheme, which triggered protests last year over the shorter tenure and fewer benefits it offers.
A bench of chief justice Satish Chandra Sharma and justice Subramonium Prasad also dismissed pleas seeking resumption and enrolment under the previous recruitment scheme in defence services, saying the petitioners have no right to do so. “This court does not find any reason to interfere with the scheme. All petitions challenging the Agnipath scheme are dismissed,” the court said. A detailed judgment will be available later in the day.