ChatGPT by OpenAI, which was introduced in November of last year, has drawn a lot of interest from all across the world. A complete linguistic tool, the chatbot creates responses to various inquiries. The bot has prepared us for the upcoming stages of technological progress by working on projects, writing emails, and answering frequently requested questions. During a six-hour flight delay, a woman utilised the AI bot and gave it instructions to send an email to the airline that was “nice but covertly aggressive and strong.”

Cherie Luo posted a video of the fast email the chatbot created on Instagram. “The future is here. What positions will ChatGPT take the place of? “She stated in the post’s caption. The text insert that precedes the video, “Our flight was six hours late. I requested ChatGPT to email the airline.” Next, the woman’s request is displayed. It states, “Send an airline a courteous, firm, and passive-aggressive email. There were no updates while we were at the airport and my flight was delayed by six hours. Even after we waited for than three hours on their waiting, the VIP pass lounge did not let us in.” Soon after, the AI bot begins to compose the email on Ms. Luo’s behalf, expressing “frustration and disappointment.” It’s interesting how it covers every part of the request and expresses hope for future “improvements” in the way the airline handles priority issues for passengers and delays with flights.